Welcome to the African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission
Our Mission
The African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission (ADCRC), authorized by 20 ILCS 405/405-540 and is charged with surveying the State procurement process to make recommendations, hold meetings, provide reports and discuss and perform actions concerning:
- Preservation of African American neighborhoods and communities
- Building and developing vocational centers for People of African Descent-Citizens
- Ensuring proportional economic representation in all State contracts
- Creation and enforcement of an Illinois Slavery Era Disclosure Bill
Interested in Joining the Commission?
One of the best ways to participate in our democracy is by serving on a state board or commission. As a resident of Illinois, you are invited to nominate yourself for membership on Illinois boards, commissions, committees, councils, and task forces. Submit an application with the State of Illinois Appointments for a chance to join the African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission (ADCRC).